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Q: What is Fashion Show?
A: Refer to the "About Us" tab on this website.

Q: Where do I get announcements for Fashion Show?
A: This website and the Fashion Show Facebook group! Please be sure to check periodically to be up-to-date!

Q: Can I join Fashion Show mid-semester?
A: Yes you can, you're definitely welcome! However, it is advisable to join earlier to attend as many dance practices as possible and learn the choreography. 

Q: Do I have to be a paid AAA Member to join practices?
A: No! All of our practices are free and open to everyone!

Q: Do I have to be a paid AAA Member to perform on stage?
A: Yes. While our practices are free for all, to perform during the show you must be a paid AAA Member. Membership can be bought throughout the year at the AAA Office!

Q: Can I only join only one scene?
A: No! You can join all of them if you'd like. If you do, be prepared to learn a lot of choreography!

Q: Do I have to perform all of the dances in a scene?
A: Nope! If you do decide to join a specific scene, however, you must at least perform one dance and the scene's finale. In essence, two dances at least for each scene.

Q: What if I miss practice?
A: No worries, there will be tutorials and demos on this website under "Practice Videos" or in the Google Drive that your scene coords will share with you in the FB group. Also, if you need extra help, don't be afraid to contact your scene coords!

Q: When is Fashion Show?
A: It varies year by year, but it's usually before Spring Break, first weekend of March.

Q: Who do I contact if I have questions about Fashion Show?
A: The Fashion Show Head Coords or the scene coords! Either by email at or message your coords.
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